Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Working on Neener's quilt

This is what I ate:

This is what it fueled:

I am becoming a fabric nerd.

I didn't expect this to happen... but the colors are too alluring.  I am becoming somewhat of a connoisseur of various popular fabric designers and prints.  I could probably tell you offhand if a particular fabric was "Echino" or "Tana Lawn."

I made sure to include a link to the source of each image.
If you're ever wondering what to get me for a gift....  :)

Oh my... aren't these beautiful?  I could go on forever, but I have to get on with my day.
Le sigh!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Nina; it's begun!

Commissioned by Nina, hopefully this will evolve into my first completed quilt.
(Based on the design of the anonymous quilt from that West Virginia thrift store.)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Reupholster is a word I don't have to spell often...

The first day I got back from my trip, I got back into the business of mess-making.
Here are my lovely, prized chairs, shown in before and after condition.

This fabric is something I found at an estate sale in Seattle.  I can't get enough of it!  Where does this come from?  When does it come from?  It's so weird!

The sewing has been too fast and furious (and hideously chaotic) for me to do much documentation here since I've been back, but, don't forget about me!  I have lots of projects in the works that will hopefully soon be popping up for sale.  So, if you're in the market for a really garish 80's looking quilted tote-bag, or a pastel pink convertible purse/backpack, or a tiny rainbow felted purse, you're in luck!!!  Good thing I'm around, uncontrollably creating strange objects...