Saturday, February 11, 2012

After my buttons got mashed one too many times and my amp decided it wasn't going to work (until I figured out to pull on all the buttons to dislodge the stuck one)... I decided it was time to elevate it above floor level.

Very rudimentary, true...  but Sansui is happier now.

I'm no carpenter!  I'll admit there was plenty of grunting and whining during the completion of this task.

Can't wait to paint it all one color... WHAT COLOR(S???) SHOULD I CHOOOOSE?!

P.S.  Everyone!  I'm soon leaving on an epic cross country road trip with my friends Nina & Evan!
We are going down the west coast, through the south, and up the east coast (kind of through the midwest.)  Where should we stay?  What should we eat?  What music shows should we go to?

P.P.S.  I am learning to drive manual transmission for this purpose...

P.P.P.S.  That means I'm going to be sooo cool pretty soon!

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