Friday, June 29, 2012

Mostly quilt with a sprinkling of roommates

After a good solid 12 hour day of sewing/ironing/basting/quilting yesterday...



It's (ALMOST*) done!

*still have to do the binding.

Isn't it wonderful?!?  I might have to test it out to make sure it works properly before it meets its new mommy... :)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The centerpiece of the back of Nina's quilt.  For some reason I thought this would be super fast and easy to make.  Fat chance!

I need a better camera...


Who wants to go to this with me?


I'm so lucky to be in Seattle right now:
I may go to this tomorrow.

Here's a random photo I find quilt-spiration in:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Nicole hugging the icelandic flag in Ballard

Lighting one quilt off the butt of the other

Inspired by the "passage quilts" I linked to a day or so ago, I finally broke ground on a project I had been meaning to get at for awhile: what to do with the clothes that were cut off of Daniel when he was in a bike accident last year...

It seemed like an important enough life event to warrant a "passage quilt" especially given that they handed me a plastic bag filled with scraps of cut-up clothing when I retrieved Daniel from Harborview.

My rat-brain kicked in.  I had to keep those scraps, and make something useful/meaningful/artful out of them.  Of course every time I looked at the contents of the bag until now, it just stressed me out.  Yesterday, I was inspired by the free-form spontaneity of the passage quilts; using large pieces of clothing and retaining some of their original structure.

Also, if you know me at all, you'll see that this is heavily influenced by some of the Gee's Bend quilts.
Mary Lee Bendolph (b. 1935). Blocks, strips, strings, and half squares. 2005. Cotton. 84 X 81 in.

First "For Sale" Quilt

My second quilt to reach completion!

Made on my brand new baby:

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Finished a quilt today!!!!

If you're interested, I think it's going to go up for sale on etsy.

Yipppeeee!!!  Feels good to finish something.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

All wet!

These are my legs after a little jaunt across town this morning...  note the completely saturated socks and canvas shoes.  Mmmm... squelchy!

Now... as I was biking home, some dad-ish lookin' dude walking down the sidewalk in Ravenna saw me-- pumped his fist in the air, screwed up his face and yelled "GO FASCISM!"


I don't know what to make of it.