I cut out a bunch of triangles, partially to get familiar with the useful angles drawn on my quilting ruler (my new favorite tool!)
I wanted a certain look, so I cut the white triangles slightly bigger than all the others.
Initially I was thinking I'd make a bunch of rows like this and sew them into a quilt, but I got lazy, so here's what ended up happening:
I made a tiny finished rectangle with one of the rows, and then I started top-stitching on it (for hipster effect!)
Top stitching proved to be the most time-consuming step... so I only finished one, but I added some snaps, and it turned into a cute curtain-holder!
Maybe some day I'll make the other one in the set. Maybe someday I'll make that triangle quilt! That would be pretty cool! The strips kind of look like mountain ranges. Maybe someday I will learn how to do top-stitching in a way that doesn't take eons.
For now, I leave you with this enlightening video, to celebrate Pi Day!
That girl is AWESOME! Now go make some triangles, and eat a pie!
LOVE the curtain-holder and LOVE the Pi (sorry, tau) themed video. I'm awash in a sea of creative thinking.